Marin Perinatal Therapy aims to be an organizing body of the Marin perinatal community by offering services to therapists, physicians, psychiatrists, acupuncturists, chiropractors, midwives, doulas, postpartum doulas, lactation specialists, physical therapists, yoga teachers, counselors, birth coaches, bodyworkers and any professional who serves new, expecting or mourning families.

Marin Perinatal Therapy offers:

  • A listserv for the Marin perinatal community. To be added to the listserv please contact

  • Annual gatherings for the Marin perinatal and medical community to discuss an interdisciplinary topic in a salon style gathering. These events build community and enhance education about perinatal issues.

  • An annual complimentary directory of perinatal providers in Marin.
    ▸ Directory will be distributed to Marin ob/gyns and pediatricians as well as local parent hotspots. The directory will be updated and distributed annually.
    ▸ If you would like to be included in the directory please fill out the form below.

    View Directory